SPDY: failure loading large gzipped files

Valentin V. Bartenev vbart at nginx.com
Mon Feb 18 17:36:59 UTC 2013

On Monday 04 February 2013 03:59:26 Jason Davies wrote:
> I'm using nginx 1.3.11-9chl1~quantal1 from Chris Lea's PPA (which I
> believe is using the latest SPDY patch, patch.spdy-60_1.3.11.txt).
> Generate a large file containing random characters, e.g. using the
> following Python script (~10MB):
> import random
> f = open("10m.html", "w")
> f.write("\n".join(map(
>  lambda x: "".join(map(
>    lambda x: random.choice("0123456789abcdef"),
>    range(100)
>  )),
>  range(100000)
> )))
> f.close()
> Ensure that gzip is on, and gzip_types contains the appropriate file
> type (text/html in this case).
> Chrome and Firefox both fail to completely load the file; they just hang
> indefinitely after loading what appears to be around 1MB, though it's
> hard to tell exactly from Chrome's Network tab.
> Turning off gzip fixes the issue.  If there's a way to selectively
> disable gzip for SPDY requests, that would also be useful to know.
> Thanks,

Fixed in http://nginx.org/patches/spdy/patch.spdy-63_1.3.12.txt

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev


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