Nginx Timer is killing my request pool

Tigran Bayburtsyan tigran.bayburtsyan at
Sat Feb 21 20:55:10 UTC 2015

Hi All.

I've created a function for adding my custom ngx_timer , but after 1st time
loop my r->pool is setting to NULL , also it sets NULL my
r->connection->log, and after second loop it throws exception on  *ngx_palloc
*because my r->pool is NULL.
I can't find out why, here is my function

*void add_aling_event(ngx_event_t *e, ngx_http_request_t *r, void
(*handler), int timer)*
*    if(e)*
*    {*
*        ngx_add_timer(e, timer);*
*        return;*
*    }*
*    ngx_event_t *event=ngx_palloc(r->pool,sizeof(ngx_event_t));*
*    memset(event,0,sizeof(ngx_event_t));*
*    event->data=r;*
*    event->handler=handler;*
*    event->log=r->connection->log;*
*    ngx_add_timer(event, timer);*

And I'm calling this function like this.

static ngx_int_t ngx_http_aling_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r)
    add_aling_event(NULL, r, hack_func, 50);
    return NGX_AGAIN;

void hack_func(ngx_event_t *e)
    ngx_http_request_t *r = e->data;

        case 1: // adding chain
*            ..........................*
        case 2: // adding last chain
*            ..........................*
            add_aling_event(e, r, hack_func, 50);

After 1 or 2 calls r->pool is sets to NULL .....

Please help me figure out this issue.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I've did this code using example here

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