subrequest error with http2

Carlos Eduardo Ferreira Rodrigues carlos-eduardo-rodrigues at
Tue Sep 22 17:14:56 UTC 2015


I just upgraded nginx to 1.9.5 on our testing enviroment, and immediately started seeing this error on http2 requests:

2015/09/22 18:04:06 [alert] 27305#27305: *1 epoll_ctl(1, 17) failed (17: File exists), client: x.x.x.x, server: _, request: "GET ... HTTP/2.0", subrequest: "...", host: "..."

The subrequest is being made from Lua code using "ngx.location.capture()", so I understand this may be an issue with ngx_lua and not nginx itself. However, this worked fine with nginx 1.8.0/1.9.4 and spdy and nothing else has changed.

Best regards,

Carlos Rodrigues

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