Hello,<div><br></div><div>Could someone explain me why my nginx configuration has a delay when sending file (from 19:07:39 to 19:09:59)</div><div>This same configuration used to work in my development environment but in our staging server it has this behaviour.</div>
<div>The one thing that is different is that this last one is build on SAN storage with RAID 5 but Linux sees it as an /dev/sdx partition. </div><div><br></div><div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http write filter 0000000001340500</div>
<div>2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http copy filter: -2 "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http writer output filter: -2, "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div>
<div>2012/01/16 19:07:39 [debug] 4799#0: *3 event timer: 24, old: 1326740919650, new: 1326740919946</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 post event 00000000013C6328</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 delete posted event 00000000013C6328</div>
<div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http run request: "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http writer handler: "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http output filter "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div>
<div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http copy filter: "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?"</div><div>2012/01/16 19:07:59 [debug] 4799#0: *3 http postpone filter "/local/NOAJR0600020_H.ogg?" 0000000000000000</div>
<div><br></div></div><div>Any help would be greatly appreciated.</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks</div><div><br></div><div>AM.</div>