I'm currently running 1.3.8.<br><br>IPv6 is now widely deployed by our ISPs, and fully deployed across our networks.<br><br>In my nginx.conf, using<br><br> geo $TEST { default 0; <a href="" target="_blank"></a> 1; 2001:111:2222:333::4/64 1; }<br>
<br>throws an error,<br><br> nginx: [emerg] "geo" supports IPv4 only in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:120<br><br>Is that still true -- no IPv6 geo support?<br><br>Is there a plan for that to change anytime soon?<br><br>
If not, could we request that be added asap? We've a lot of conditionals in our configs that now fail without the IPv6 support.<br><br>thanks.