Re: Отдача статики из вложений форума IPBoard.

Nunkomm nginx-forum на
Вт Май 25 01:56:14 MSD 2010

Вот содержимое файла class_attach:

 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.0.5
 * Attachments
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2009-12-03 17:23:59 -0500 (Thu, 03 Dec 2009) $
 * <code>
 * Possible Error strings:
 * - upload_no_file		 (No file was selected to upload)
 * - upload_failed        (Upload failed for unspecified reason)
 * - upload_too_big       (Upload is bigger than space left)
 * - invalid_mime_type    (Upload is not allowed)
 * - no_upload_dir        (Upload dir is not installed)
 * - no_upload_dir_perms  (Upload dir is not writeable)
 * </code>
 * @author 		$Author: bfarber $
 * @copyright	(c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package		Invision Power Board
 * @subpackage  Core 
 * @link
 * @version		$Rev: 5516 $

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
	print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

class class_attach
	 * Global html class
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		object
	public $html;
	 * Type of attachment
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $type    = '';
	 * Plugin Class
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		object
	public $plugin  = '';
	 * Post key
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $attach_post_key = '';
	 * Relationship ID
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		integer
	public $attach_rel_id   = '';
	 * Return variables
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		array 	[ 'allow_uploads', 'space_allowed', 'space_allowed_human', 'space_used', 'space_used_human', 'space_left', 'space_left_human' ]
	public $attach_stats = array();
	 * Lang array
	 * Internal language array
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		array
	public $language    = array( 'unlimited'   => '????????????',
	 						  'not_allowed' => '????????? ????? ?????????' );
	 * Error array
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $error = "";
	 * Full upload path
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $upload_path = '';
	 * Upload part part (from /uploads)
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $upload_dir  = '';
	 * Extra upload form url
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		string
	public $extra_upload_form_url = '';
	 * Custom settings
	 * @access	public
	 * @var		array
	public $attach_settings = array( 
									'siu_thumb'                 => 0,
									'siu_height'                => 0,
									'siu_width'                 => 0,
									'allow_monthly_upload_dirs' => 0,
									'upload_dir'                => '' 

	 * Registry Object Shortcuts
	 * @access	protected
	 * @var		object
	protected $registry;
	protected $DB;
	protected $settings;
	protected $request;
	protected $lang;
	protected $member;

	 * @access	public
	 * @param	object		ipsRegistry reference
	 * @return	void
	public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry )
		/* Make object */
		$this->registry   = $registry;
		$this->DB         = $this->registry->DB();
		$this->settings   =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
		$this->request    =& $this->registry->fetchRequest();
		$this->lang       = $this->registry->getClass('class_localization');
		$this->member     = $this->registry->member();
		$this->memberData =& $this->registry->member()->fetchMemberData();

	 * Initiates class
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	void
	public function init()
		// Start the settings
		$this->attach_settings['siu_thumb'] 				= $this->settings['siu_thumb'];
		$this->attach_settings['siu_height'] 				= $this->settings['siu_height'];
		$this->attach_settings['siu_width'] 				= $this->settings['siu_width'];
		$this->attach_settings['allow_monthly_upload_dirs'] = @ini_get("safe_mode") ? 0 : ( $this->settings['safe_mode_skins'] ? 0 : 1 );
		$this->attach_settings['upload_dir'] 				= $this->settings['upload_dir'];
		// Load plug in
		if ( $this->type )
		// Finalize the settings
		foreach( $this->attach_settings as $item => $value )
			$this->attach_settings[ $item ] = ( isset( $this->plugin->mysettings[ $item ] ) ) ? $this->plugin->mysettings[ $item ] : $value;

		// Fix up URL tokens
		foreach( $_GET as $k => $v )
			if ( preg_match( "#^--ff--#", $k ) )
			 	$this->request[ str_replace( '--ff--', '', $k ) ] = $v;
		// Sort out upload dir
		$this->upload_path  = $this->attach_settings['upload_dir'];
		$this->_upload_path = $this->upload_path;
	 * Show the attachment (or force download)
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	int		Attachment ID (The main attach id)
	 * @return	void
	public function showAttachment( $attach_id )
		/* INIT */
		$sql_data = array();
		/* Get attach data... */
		$attachment = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'attachments', 'where' => 'attach_id='.intval( $attach_id ) ) );
		if( ! $attachment['attach_id'] )
			$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'attach_no_attachment', 10170 );
		/* Load correct plug in... */
		$this->type = $attachment['attach_rel_module'];
		/* Get SQL data from plugin */
		$attach = $this->plugin->getAttachmentData( $attach_id );
		/* Got a reply? */
		if( $attach === FALSE OR ! is_array( $attach ) )
			$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_to_download', 10171 );
		/* Got a rel id? */
		if( ! $attach['attach_rel_id'] AND $attach['attach_member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] )
			$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'err_attach_not_attached', 10172 );
		// Reset timeout for large attachments
		if ( @function_exists("set_time_limit") == 1 and SAFE_MODE_ON == 0 )
			@set_time_limit( 0 );
		if( is_array( $attach ) AND count( $attach ) )
			/* Got attachment types? */
			if ( ! is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
				$attachtypes = array();

				$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype', 'from' => 'attachments_type' ) );

				while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
					$attachtypes[ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r;
				$this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'attachtypes', $attachtypes );
			/* Show attachment */
			$attach_cache       = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
			$this->_upload_path = ( isset( $this->plugin->settings[ 'upload_dir' ] )  ) ? $this->plugin->settings[ 'upload_dir' ] : $this->attach_settings[ 'upload_dir' ];

	        $file = $this->_upload_path . "/" . $attach['attach_location'];

			if( file_exists( $file ) and ( $attach_cache[ $attach['attach_ext'] ]['atype_mimetype'] != "" ) )
				/* Update the "hits".. */
				$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'update' => 'attachments', 'set' => "attach_hits=attach_hits+1", 'where' => "attach_id={$attach_id}" ) );
				/* Open and display the file.. */
				header( "Content-Type: {$attach_cache[ $attach['attach_ext'] ]['atype_mimetype']}" );
				if( $attach['attach_is_image'] )
					header( "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$attach['attach_file']}\"" );
					header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$attach['attach_file']}\"" );
				if( !ini_get('zlib.output_compression') OR ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == 'off' )
					header( 'Content-Length: ' . (string) ( filesize( $file ) ) );
				if( $fh = fopen( $file, 'rb' ) )
		            while( ! feof( $fh ) )
		                echo fread( $fh, 4096 );
            		@fclose( $fh );

				/* File does not exist.. */
				$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'attach_file_missing', 10173 );
			/*  No permission? */
			$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError( 'no_permission_to_download', 10174 );
	 * Swaps the HTML for the nice attachments.
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	array 	Array of HTML blocks to convert: [ rel_id => $html ]
	 * @param	array 	Relationship ids
	 * @param	string	Skin group to use
	 * @return	array 	Array of converted HTML blocks and attach code: [ id => $html ]
	public function renderAttachments( $htmlArray, $rel_ids=array(), $skin_name='topic' )
		// INIT
		$attach_ids              = array();
		$map_attach_id_to_rel_id = array();
		$final_out               = array();
		$final_blocks            = array();
		$returnArray			 = array();
		$_seen                   = 0;
		// Check..
		if ( ! is_array( $htmlArray ) )
			$htmlArray = array( 0 => $htmlArray );
		// Rel ids
		if ( ! is_array( $rel_ids ) OR ! count( $rel_ids ) )
			$rel_ids = array_keys( $htmlArray );
		// Parse HTML blocks for attach ids
		// [attachment=32:attachFail.gif]
		foreach( $htmlArray as $id => $html )
			$returnArray[ $id ] = array( 'html' => $html, 'attachmentHtml' => '' );
			preg_match_all( "#\[attachment=(\d+?)\:(?:[^\]]+?)\]#is", $html, $match );
			if ( is_array( $match[0] ) and count( $match[0] ) )
				for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count( $match[0] ) ; $i++ )
					if ( intval($match[1][$i]) == $match[1][$i] )
						$attach_ids[ $match[1][$i] ]                = $match[1][$i];
						$map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $match[1][$i] ][] = $id;
		// Get data from the plug in
		$rows = $this->plugin->renderAttachment( $attach_ids, $rel_ids, $this->attach_post_key );
		// Got anything?
		if ( is_array( $rows ) AND count( $rows ) )
			// Got attachment types?

			if ( ! is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
				$attachtypes = array();

				$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype,atype_img', 'from' => 'attachments_type' ) );
				$outer = $this->DB->execute();

				while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch( $outer ) )
					$attachtypes[ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r;
				$this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'attachtypes', $attachtypes );
			$_seen_rows = 0;
			foreach( $rows as $_attach_id => $row )
				// INIT
				$row = $rows[ $_attach_id ];
				if( $this->attach_rel_id != $row['attach_rel_id'] )
					// Reset if we are onto a new post..
					$_seen_rows = 0;

				$this->attach_rel_id = $row['attach_rel_id'];
				if ( ! isset( $final_blocks[ $row['attach_rel_id'] ] ) )
					$final_blocks[ $row['attach_rel_id'] ] = array( 'attach' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'image' => '' );
				// Is it an image, and are we viewing the image in the post?
				if ( $this->settings['show_img_upload'] and $row['attach_is_image'] )
					if ( $this->attach_settings['siu_thumb'] AND $row['attach_thumb_location'] AND $row['attach_thumb_width'] )
						// Make sure we've not seen this ID
						$row['_attach_id'] = $row['attach_id'] . '-' . str_replace( ".", "-", microtime( true ) );
						$not_inline = $_seen_rows > 0 ? $_seen_rows%$this->settings['topic_attach_no_per_row'] : 1;
						$tmp = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->Show_attachments_img_thumb( array( 't_location'  => $row['attach_thumb_location'],
																											  		 't_width'     => $row['attach_thumb_width'],
																											  		 't_height'    => $row['attach_thumb_height'],
																											         'o_width'     => $row['attach_img_width'],
																											  		 'o_height'    => $row['attach_img_height'],
																											  	     'attach_id'   => $row['attach_id'],
																													 '_attach_id'  => $row['_attach_id'],
																											    	 'file_size'   => IPSLib::sizeFormat( $row['attach_filesize'] ),
																											  		 'attach_hits' => $row['attach_hits'],
																											  		 'location'    => $row['attach_file'],
																													 'type'        => $this->type,
																													 'notinline'   => $not_inline,
																													 'attach_rel_id' => $row['attach_rel_id']
																										)	);

						// Convert HTML
						if ( is_array( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) AND count( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) )
							foreach( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] as $idx => $_rel_id )
								$_count = substr_count( $htmlArray[ $_rel_id ], '[attachment='.$row['attach_id'].':' );
								if ( $_count > 1 )
									# More than 1 of the same thumbnail to show?
									$this->_current = array( 'type'      => $this->type,
															 'row'       => $row,
															 'skin_name' => $skin_name );
									$returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] = preg_replace_callback( "#\[attachment=".$row['attach_id']."\:(?:[^\]]+?)[\n|\]]#is", array( &$this, '_parseThumbnailInline' ), $returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] );
								else if ( $_count )
									# Just the one, then?
									$returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] = preg_replace( "#\[attachment=".$row['attach_id']."\:(?:[^\]]+?)[\n|\]]#is", $tmp, $returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] );
									# None. :(
									if ( $_seen == $this->settings['topic_attach_no_per_row'] )
										$tmp .= "\n<br />\n";
										$_seen = 0;
									$final_blocks[ $_rel_id ]['thumb'][] = $tmp;
							$final_blocks[ $row['attach_rel_id'] ]['thumb'][] = $tmp;
						// Standard size..
						$tmp = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->Show_attachments_img( $row['attach_location'] );
						if ( is_array( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) AND count( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) )
							foreach( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] as $idx => $_rel_id )
								if ( strstr( $htmlArray[ $_rel_id ], '[attachment='.$row['attach_id'].':' ) )
									$returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] = preg_replace( "#\[attachment=".$row['attach_id']."\:(?:[^\]]+?)[\n|\]]#is", $tmp, $returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] );
									$final_blocks[ $_rel_id ]['image'][] = $tmp;
							$final_blocks[ $row['attach_rel_id'] ]['image'][] = $tmp;
					// Full attachment thingy
					$attach_cache = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
					$tmp = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->Show_attachments( array (
																										'attach_hits'  => $row['attach_hits'],
																										'mime_image'   => $attach_cache[ $row['attach_ext'] ]['atype_img'],
																										'attach_file'  => $row['attach_file'],
																										'attach_id'    => $row['attach_id'],
																										'type'         => $this->type,
																										'file_size'    => IPSLib::sizeFormat( $row['attach_filesize'] ),
																							  )  	  );
					if ( is_array( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) AND count( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] ) )
						foreach( $map_attach_id_to_rel_id[ $_attach_id ] as $idx => $_rel_id )
							if ( strstr( $htmlArray[ $_rel_id ], '[attachment='.$row['attach_id'].':' ) )
								$returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] = preg_replace( "#\[attachment=".$row['attach_id']."\:(?:[^\]]+?)[\n|\]]#is", $tmp, $returnArray[ $_rel_id ]['html'] );
								$final_blocks[ $_rel_id ]['attach'][] = $tmp;
						$final_blocks[ $row['attach_rel_id'] ]['attach'][] = $tmp;

			// Anthing to add?

			if ( count( $final_blocks ) )
				foreach( $final_blocks as $rel_id => $type )
					$temp_out = "";

					if ( $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['thumb'] )
						$temp_out .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->show_attachment_title( $this->lang->words['attach_thumbs'], $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['thumb'], 'thumb' );

					if ( $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['image'] )
						$temp_out .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->show_attachment_title( $this->lang->words['attach_images'], $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['image'], 'image' );

					if ( $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['attach'] )
						$temp_out .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->show_attachment_title( $this->lang->words['attach_normal'], $final_blocks[ $rel_id ]['attach'], 'attach' );
					if ( $temp_out )
						$returnArray[ $rel_id ]['attachmentHtml'] = $temp_out;

		return $returnArray;
	 * Removes attachment(s)
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	array	$remove_ids	Array of attachment ids to remove
	 * @param	string	$id_type	Column to use when deleting, attach_rel_id by default
	 * @return	bool
	public function bulkRemoveAttachment( $remove_ids=array(), $id_type='attach_rel_id' )
		/* INIT */
		$attachments = array();
		/* Make sure we have some ids */
		if ( ! is_array( $remove_ids ) or ! count( $remove_ids ) )
			return FALSE;
		/* Check Permissions */
		if( $this->plugin->canBulkRemove( $remove_ids ) === TRUE )
			/* Grab the attachments */
			$this->DB->build( array( 
									'select' => '*', 
									'from'   => 'attachments', 
									'where'  => $id_type . ' IN (' . implode( ',', $remove_ids ) . ") AND attach_rel_module='{$this->type}'"
						)	);
			while( $_row = $this->DB->fetch() )
				$attachments[ $_row['attach_id'] ] = $_row;
			/* Loop through and delete them from the filesystem */
			foreach( $attachments as $attach_id => $attachment )
				if ( $attachment['attach_location'] )
					@unlink( $this->_upload_path."/".$attachment['attach_location'] );
				if ( $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] )
					@unlink( $this->_upload_path."/".$attachment['attach_thumb_location'] );
				/* Allow the module to clean up any items */										
				$this->plugin->attachmentRemovalCleanup( $attachment );
			/* Remove from the DB */
			$this->DB->delete( 'attachments', $id_type . ' IN (' . implode( ',', $remove_ids ) . ") AND attach_rel_module='{$this->type}'" );
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE;
	 * Removes an attachment.
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	void
	public function removeAttachment()
		// Got an ID?
		if ( ! $this->attach_id )
			echo "no this->attachid";
			return FALSE;
		// Get DB row
		$attachment = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
																		'from'   => 'attachments',
																		'where'  => 'attach_id='.$this->attach_id." AND attach_rel_module='".$this->type."'" ) );
		if ( ! $attachment['attach_id'] )
			echo "no attach id";
			return FALSE;
		// Make sure we've got permission
		if ( $this->plugin->canRemove( $attachment ) === TRUE )
			// Remove from the DB
			$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'delete' => 'attachments',
															  'where'  => 'attach_id='.$attachment['attach_id'] ) );
			// Remove from the filesystem
			if ( $attachment['attach_location'] )
				@unlink( $this->_upload_path."/".$attachment['attach_location'] );
			if ( $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] )
				@unlink( $this->_upload_path."/".$attachment['attach_thumb_location'] );
			// Allow the module to clean up any items
			$this->plugin->attachmentRemovalCleanup( $attachment );
			return TRUE;
			echo "no perms";
			return FALSE;
	 * Converts post-key attachments into rel_id / rel_module attachments
	 * by adding in the correct ID, etc
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	array	$args
	 * @return	array
	public function postProcessUpload( $args=array() )
		if( ! $this->attach_post_key or ! $this->attach_rel_id )
			return FALSE;

		// Got any to update?
		$this->DB->update( 'attachments', array( 'attach_rel_id'     => $this->attach_rel_id,
			  										'attach_rel_module' => $this->type ), "attach_post_key='{$this->attach_post_key}'" );
		// Update module specific?
		return $this->plugin->postUploadProcess( $this->attach_post_key, $this->attach_rel_id, $args );
	 * Uploads and saves file
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	mixed	void, or the new insert id
	public function processUpload()
		// INIT
		$this->error = '';
		// Check upload dir
		if ( ! $this->checkUploadDirectory() )
			if ( $this->error )

		// Got attachment types?
		if ( ! ( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) OR ! is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
			$attachtypes = array();

			$this->DB->build( array(
											'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype,atype_post,atype_photo,atype_img',
											'from'   => 'attachments_type',
											'where'  => "atype_photo=1 OR atype_post=1" 
								)	);
			while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
				$attachtypes[ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r;
			$this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'attachtypes', $attachtypes );

		// Can upload?
		if ( ! $this->attach_stats['allow_uploads'] )
			$this->error = 'upload_failed';
		// Set up array
		$attach_data = array( 
							  'attach_ext'            => "",
							  'attach_file'           => "",
							  'attach_location'       => "",
							  'attach_thumb_location' => "",
							  'attach_hits'           => 0,
							  'attach_date'           => time(),
							  'attach_temp'           => 0,
							  'attach_post_key'       => $this->attach_post_key,
							  'attach_member_id'      => $this->memberData['member_id'],
							  'attach_rel_id'         => $this->attach_rel_id,
							  'attach_rel_module'     => $this->type,
							  'attach_filesize'       => 0,
		// Load the library
		require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classUpload.php' );
		$upload = new classUpload();
		// Set up the variables
		$upload->out_file_name    = $this->type . '-' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . '-' . str_replace( '.', '', microtime( true ) );
		$upload->out_file_dir     = $this->upload_path;
		$upload->max_file_size    = $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] ? $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] : 1000000000;
		$upload->make_script_safe = 1;
		$upload->force_data_ext   = 'ipb';
		// Populate allowed extensions

		if ( is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) and count( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
			/* SKINNOTE: I had to add [attachtypes] to this cache to make it work, may need fixing? */
			//$tmp = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
			foreach( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') as $idx => $data )
				if ( $data['atype_post'] )
					$upload->allowed_file_ext[] = $data['atype_extension'];
		// Upload...
		// Error?
		if ( $upload->error_no )
			switch( $upload->error_no )
				case 1:
					// No upload
					$this->error = 'upload_no_file';
					return $attach_data;
				case 2:
					// Invalid file ext
					$this->error = 'invalid_mime_type';
					return $attach_data;
				case 3:
					// Too big...
					$this->error = 'upload_too_big';
					return $attach_data;
				case 4:
					// Cannot move uploaded file
					$this->error = 'upload_failed';
					return $attach_data;
				case 5:
					// Possible XSS attack (image isn't an image)
					$this->error = 'upload_failed';
					return $attach_data;
		// Still here?

		if ( $upload->saved_upload_name and @file_exists( $upload->saved_upload_name ) )
			// Strip off { } and [ ]
			$upload->original_file_name = str_replace( array( '[', ']', '{', '}' ), "", $upload->original_file_name );
			$attach_data['attach_filesize']   = @filesize( $upload->saved_upload_name  );
			$attach_data['attach_location']   = $this->upload_dir . $upload->parsed_file_name;
			if( IPSText::isUTF8( $upload->original_file_name ) )
				$attach_data['attach_file']       = IPSText::convertCharsets( $upload->original_file_name, "UTF-8", IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET );
				$attach_data['attach_file']       = $upload->original_file_name;
			$attach_data['attach_is_image']   = $upload->is_image;
			$attach_data['attach_ext']        = $upload->real_file_extension;
			if ( $attach_data['attach_is_image'] == 1 )
				require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH."classImage.php" ); 
				require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH."classImageGd.php" );
				$image = new classImageGd();
				$image->force_resize = true;
				$image->init( array( 
				                         'image_path'     => $this->upload_path, 
				                         'image_file'     => $upload->parsed_file_name, 
				               )          );
				if ( $this->attach_settings['siu_thumb'] )
					$_thumbName = preg_replace( "#^(.*)\.(\w+?)$#", "\\1_thumb.\\2", $upload->parsed_file_name );
					if( $thumb_data = $image->resizeImage( $this->attach_settings['siu_width'], $this->attach_settings['siu_height'] ) )
						$image->writeImage( $this->upload_path . '/' . $_thumbName );
						if ( is_array( $thumb_data ) )
							$thumb_data['thumb_location'] = $_thumbName;
				if ( $thumb_data['thumb_location'] )
					$attach_data['attach_img_width']      = $thumb_data['originalWidth'];
					$attach_data['attach_img_height']     = $thumb_data['originalHeight'];
					$attach_data['attach_thumb_width']    = $thumb_data['newWidth'];
					$attach_data['attach_thumb_height']   = $thumb_data['newHeight'];
					$attach_data['attach_thumb_location'] = $this->upload_dir . $thumb_data['thumb_location'];
			// Add into Database
			$this->DB->insert( 'attachments', $attach_data );
			$newid = $this->DB->getInsertId();
			return $newid;
	 * Uploads and saves file
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	mixed	void, or an array of new insert ids
	public function processMultipleUploads()
		/* INIT */
		$this->error = '';
		/* Check the upload directory */
		if( ! $this->checkUploadDirectory() )
			if( $this->error )

		/* Setup Attachment Types */
		if( ! ( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) OR ! is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
			$attachtypes = array();

			$this->DB->build( array( 
											'select' => 'atype_extension,atype_mimetype,atype_post,atype_photo,atype_img',
											'from'   => 'attachments_type',
											'where'  => "atype_photo=1 OR atype_post=1" 
									)	 );
			while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
				$attachtypes[ $r['atype_extension'] ] = $r;
			$this->registry->cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'attachtypes', $attachtypes );

		/* Can Upload */
		if ( ! $this->attach_stats['allow_uploads'] )
			$this->error = 'upload_failed';
		/* Attachment Library */
		require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classUpload.php' );
		$upload = new classUpload();
		/* Set up the library */
		$upload->out_file_dir     = $this->upload_path;
		$upload->max_file_size    = $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] ? $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload'] : 1000000000;
		$upload->make_script_safe = 1;
		$upload->force_data_ext   = 'ipb';
		/* Populate allowed extensions */
		if( is_array( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) and count( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') ) )
			/* SKINNOTE: I had to add [attachtypes] to this cache to make it work, may need fixing? */
			//$tmp = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes');
			foreach( $this->registry->cache()->getCache('attachtypes') as $idx => $data )
				if( $data['atype_post'] )
					$upload->allowed_file_ext[] = $data['atype_extension'];
		/* Attempt to upload everything int he $_FILES array */
		$upload_results = array();
		if( isset( $_FILES ) && is_array( $_FILES ) && count( $_FILES ) )
			foreach( $_FILES as $_field_name => $data )
				if( ! $_FILES[ $_field_name ]['size'] )
				/* Set File Name */
				$upload->out_file_name = $this->type . '-' . $this->memberData['member_id'] . '-' . time() % $_FILES[ $_field_name ]['size'];
				/* Set File Name */
				$upload->upload_form_field = $_field_name;
				/* Attachment Data Array */
				$attach_data = array( 
									  'attach_ext'            => "",
									  'attach_file'           => "",
									  'attach_location'       => "",
									  'attach_thumb_location' => "",
									  'attach_hits'           => 0,
									  'attach_date'           => time(),
									  'attach_temp'           => 0,
									  'attach_post_key'       => $this->attach_post_key,
									  'attach_member_id'      => $this->memberData['member_id'],
									  'attach_rel_id'         => $this->attach_rel_id,
									  'attach_rel_module'     => $this->type,
									  'attach_filesize'       => 0,
				/* Upload... */
				/* Error Check */
				if( $upload->error_no )
					switch( $upload->error_no )
						case 1:
							// No upload
							$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = 'upload_no_file';
						case 2:
							// Invalid file ext
							$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = 'invalid_mime_type';
						case 3:
							// Too big...
							$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = 'upload_too_big';
						case 4:
							// Cannot move uploaded file
							$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = 'upload_failed';
						case 5:
							// Possible XSS attack (image isn't an image)
							$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = 'upload_failed';
				/* Still Here */
				if( $upload->saved_upload_name and @file_exists( $upload->saved_upload_name ) )
					/* Strip off { } and [ ] */
					$upload->original_file_name = str_replace( array( '[', ']', '{', '}' ), "", $upload->original_file_name );
					$attach_data['attach_filesize'] = @filesize( $upload->saved_upload_name  );
					$attach_data['attach_location'] = $this->upload_dir . $upload->parsed_file_name;
					$attach_data['attach_file']     = $upload->original_file_name;
					$attach_data['attach_is_image'] = $upload->is_image;
					$attach_data['attach_ext']      = $upload->real_file_extension;
					if( $attach_data['attach_is_image'] == 1 )
						require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH."classImage.php" ); 
						require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH."classImageGd.php" );
						$image = new classImageGd();
						$image->force_resize = true;
						$image->init( array( 'image_path' => $this->upload_path, 'image_file' => $upload->parsed_file_name ) );
						if ( $this->attach_settings['siu_thumb'] )
							$_thumbName = preg_replace( "#^(.*)\.(\w+?)$#", "\\1_thumb.\\2", $upload->parsed_file_name );
							$thumb_data = $image->resizeImage( $this->attach_settings['siu_width'], $this->attach_settings['siu_height'] );
							$image->writeImage( $this->upload_path . '/' . $_thumbName );
							if ( is_array( $thumb_data ) )
								$thumb_data['thumb_location'] = $_thumbName;
						if ( $thumb_data['thumb_location'] )
							$attach_data['attach_img_width']      = $thumb_data['originalWidth'];
							$attach_data['attach_img_height']     = $thumb_data['originalHeight'];
							$attach_data['attach_thumb_width']    = $thumb_data['newWidth'];
							$attach_data['attach_thumb_height']   = $thumb_data['newHeight'];
							$attach_data['attach_thumb_location'] = $this->upload_dir . $thumb_data['thumb_location'];
					/* Add into Database */
					$this->DB->insert( 'attachments', $attach_data );
					$upload_results[ $_field_name ] = $this->DB->getInsertId();
		return $upload_results;
	 * Gets stuff required for the upload form
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	void
	public function getUploadFormSettings()
		/* Collect settings from the plug-in */
		$stats = $this->plugin->getSpaceAllowance( $this->attach_post_key );
		/* Fix language strings */
		if( isset($this->lang->words['attach_unlimited']) )
			$this->language['unlimited']	= $this->lang->words['attach_unlimited'];
		if( isset($this->lang->words['attach_notallowed']) )
			$this->language['not_allowed']	= $this->lang->words['attach_notallowed'];
		/* Format and return... */
		$this->attach_stats['space_used']                = $stats['space_used'];
		$this->attach_stats['space_used_human']          = IPSLib::sizeFormat( $stats['space_used'] );
		$this->attach_stats['total_space_allowed']       = $stats['total_space_allowed'] ? $stats['total_space_allowed'] : $stats['max_single_upload'];
		$this->attach_stats['max_single_upload']         = $stats['max_single_upload'];
		$this->attach_stats['max_single_upload_human']   = $this->attach_stats['max_single_upload']   ? IPSLib::sizeFormat( $stats['max_single_upload'] )   : $this->language[ 'unlimited' ];
		$this->attach_stats['total_space_allowed_human'] = $this->attach_stats['total_space_allowed'] ? IPSLib::sizeFormat( $this->attach_stats['total_space_allowed'] ) : $this->language[ 'unlimited' ];
		if( $stats['space_allowed'] == 0 )
			/* Unlimited... */
			$this->attach_stats['allow_uploads']             = 1;
			$this->attach_stats['space_allowed']             = 'unlimited';
			$this->attach_stats['space_allowed_human']       = $this->language[ 'unlimited' ];
			$this->attach_stats['space_left']                = 'unlimited';
			$this->attach_stats['space_left_human']          = $this->language[ 'unlimited' ];
			$this->attach_stats['total_space_allowed_human'] = $this->language[ 'unlimited' ];
		else if ( $stats['space_allowed'] == -1 )
			/* None */
			$this->attach_stats['allow_uploads']       = 0;
			$this->attach_stats['space_allowed']       = 'not_allowed';
			$this->attach_stats['space_allowed_human'] = $this->language[ 'not_allowed' ];
			$this->attach_stats['space_left']          = 'not_allowed';
			$this->attach_stats['space_left_human']    = $this->language[ 'not_allowed' ];
			/* Set figure */
			$this->attach_stats['allow_uploads']       = 1;
			$this->attach_stats['space_left']          = $stats['space_left'];
			$this->attach_stats['space_left_human']    = IPSLib::sizeFormat( $stats['space_left'] );
	 * Checks the upload dir. See above. It's not rocket science
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	bool
	public function checkUploadDirectory()
		/* Check dir exists... */
		if( ! file_exists( $this->upload_path ) )
			if( @mkdir( $this->upload_path, 0777 ) )
				@file_put_contents( $this->upload_path . '/index.html', '' );
				@chmod( $this->upload_path, 0777 );
				$this->error = "no_upload_dir";
				return false;
		else if( ! is_writeable( $this->upload_path ) )
			$this->error = "no_upload_dir_perms";
			return false;
		/* Try and create a new monthly dir */
		$this_month = "monthly_" . gmstrftime( "%m_%Y", time() );
		/* Already a dir? */
		if( $this->attach_settings['allow_monthly_upload_dirs'] )
			$path = $this->upload_path . '/' . $this_month;

			if( ! file_exists( $path ) )
				if( @mkdir( $path, 0777 ) )
					@file_put_contents( $path . '/index.html', '' );
					@chmod( $path, 0777 );
					# Set path and dir correct
					$this->upload_path .= '/' . $this_month;
					$this->upload_dir   = $this_month . '/';
				/* Was it really made or was it lying? */
				if( ! file_exists( $path ) )
					$this->upload_path = $this->_upload_path;
					$this->upload_dir  = '/';
				/* Set path and dir correct */
				$this->upload_path .= '/' . $this_month;
				$this->upload_dir   = $this_month . '/';
		return true;
	 * Loads child extends class.
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	void
	public function loadAttachmentPlugin()
		/* INIT */
		$this->type = IPSText::alphanumericalClean( $this->type );
		/* Load... */
		$file  = IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/sources/classes/attach/plugin_' . $this->type . '.php';
		$class = 'plugin_'.$this->type;
		if( ! is_object( $this->plugin ) )
			if ( file_exists( $file ) )
				require_once( $file );
				$this->plugin = new $class( $this->registry );				
				print "Could not locate $file";
	 * Swaps the HTML for the nice attachments.
	 * @access	private
	 * @param	array	Array of matches from preg_replace_callback
	 * @return	string	HTML
	private function _parseThumbnailInline( $matches )
		// INIT
		$row       = $this->_current['row'];
		$skin_name = $this->_current['skin_name'];
		// Generate random ID
		$row['_attach_id'] = $row['attach_id'] . '-' . preg_replace( "#[\.\s]#", "-", microtime() );
		// Build HTML
		$tmp = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate( $skin_name )->Show_attachments_img_thumb( array( 't_location'  => $row['attach_thumb_location'],
																							  		 't_width'     => $row['attach_thumb_width'],
																							  		 't_height'    => $row['attach_thumb_height'],
																							         'o_width'     => $row['attach_img_width'],
																							  		 'o_height'    => $row['attach_img_height'],
																							  	     'attach_id'   => $row['attach_id'],
																									 '_attach_id'  => $row['_attach_id'],
																							    	 'file_size'   => IPSLib::sizeFormat( $row['attach_filesize'] ),
																							  		 'attach_hits' => $row['attach_hits'],
																							  		 'location'    => $row['attach_file'],
																									 'type'        => $this->_current['type'],
																						)	);
		return $tmp;

Yuriy Taraday Wrote:
> >
> >        /**
> >         * View Post Attachment
> >         *
> >         * @access      public
> >         * @return      void
> >         */
> >        public function showPostAttachment()
> >        {
> >                /* INIT */
> >                $attach_id = intval(
> $this->request['attach_id'] );
> >
> >                /* INIT module */
> >                $this->class_attach->init();
> >
> >                /* Display */
> >               
> $this->class_attach->showAttachment( $attach_id );
> >
> Нужно глядеть в код
> class_attach->showAttachement.
> >        }
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> nginx-ru mailing list
> nginx-ru at

Posted at Nginx Forum:,89717,89832#msg-89832

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