Re: Не выставляется Last-modified для js-файлов

bodomic nginx-forum at
Tue Dec 24 17:30:32 UTC 2013

Думаю, вопрос закрыт, а мне надо подумать о версиях 1.5.*, хотя рановато,
конечно, для продакшна. :(

syntax:	ssi_last_modified on | off;
ssi_last_modified off;
context:	http, server, location
This directive appeared in version 1.5.1.
Allows preserving the “Last-Modified” header field from the original
response during SSI processing to facilitate response caching.

By default, the header field is removed as contents of the response are
modified during processing and may contain dynamically generated elements or
parts that are changed independently of the original response.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,245807,245811#msg-245811

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