Setting to turn off buffering of file uploads to proxy backends?

Igor Sysoev is at
Sat Dec 30 12:21:43 MSK 2006

On Sat, 30 Dec 2006, Igor Sysoev wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Dec 2006, Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:
>> 	Is there any way to get a config setting in nginx to turn off 
>> buffering of file uploads to proxied backeds? I woudl really like to be 
>> able to use mongrel_upload_progress to do upload progress bars in rails 
>> applications. Right now there seems to not be a way to turn off buffering 
>> of file uploads when the handler is a proxy backend.
>> 	Is there a way to turn this off? Coudl you please add one? Apache2.2 
>> and lighty both support non buffered file uploads to proxied backends and 
>> it would be great if nginx could support this as well.
> No, currently nginx always buffer uploads.
> I have plan to add 1) non-buffered uploads and 2) filters that allow
> to show the upload progress bar using nginx.
> Apache and lighttpd support non-buffered uploads only.
> nginx was developed as accelerator to minimize a backend interaction time
> with a client, so my initial plans did not include the non-buffered uploads.

Besides, if a backend was failed during request processing, then
nginx can resend a whole request with body to another backend.

Igor Sysoev

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