Slow file upload on OS X server

Jamey Cribbs jamey.cribbs at
Fri Dec 21 18:28:12 MSK 2007

I have a rails app running on an OS X server, using nginx as the web server,
proxying to a mongrel cluster.  File uploads from the user's browser are
painfully slow when going through nginx, but if I target an individual
mongrel instance in the browser, the file upload is fast.  I have the latest
mac ports version of nginx installed (0.54, I believe).

Any ideas?  I tried changing the log format, as suggested in a reply to
someone else's post, but could not get nginx to start, so I don't know if
nginx has to be compiled with a particular flag in order to include the log
format config directive in nginx.conf.

Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jamey Cribbs
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