Turn of gzip for two specific locations.

Wayne E. Seguin wayneeseguin at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 01:26:21 MSK 2007


I've found a lovely issue with IE6 that doesn't allow .swf files to  
consume XML files that are compressed with gzip so I'm trying to  
figure out how to turn off gzip compression for two locations.

One is anything under the /dashboard/gauge/ and the other is anything  
under /graphs/

Here's my attempt which doesn't seem to be working:

Attempt 1:
server {
   location / {
     if ($uri ~* /dashboard/gauge*) {
       gzip off;

Attempt 2:

server {
location ^~ /dashboard/gauge* {
  gzip off;

location / {

Any suggestions on how to do this?



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