upstream_hash 0.3

Evan Miller emmiller+gmane at
Mon Aug 25 06:51:00 MSD 2008

Changes in upstream_hash 0.3:

  *) Change: Hashing and failover are compatible with PECL Memcache (based on 

  *) Change: "hash_method" directive removed.

Note that the hashing algorithm is incompatible with old versions of 
upstream_hash. I thought that the previous "crc32" algorithm was PECL Memcache/
libmemcache compatible, but that turned out not to be the case. Now it really 
is compatible (and the new test suite proves it!).

I removed the old "simple" hash method (as well as the hash_method directive) 
because it offers no benefits or compatibility compared with the new default 
hash method.

Development of this verison was sponsored in part by Spil Games,


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