error_log doesn't accept a DRY variable

Thomas iamkenzo at
Mon Dec 15 21:25:50 MSK 2008

Here is my configuration file:
  # Let's set some vars to be DRY
  set $log_path /usr/local/nginx/logs;
  set $rails_path /home/thomas/rails_apps;

  access_log  $log_path/traffic.log traffic;
  access_log  $log_path/access.video_on_demand.log main;
  error_log   /usr/local/nginx/logs/error.video_on_demand.log notice;

I can use $log_path with access_log but not with error_log. Anyone
else experienced this problem? I agree I won't be changing the log
filename frequently but still, it would be cool to have to change it
in only one place.

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