409 Proxy Authentication required

Pete DeLaurentis pete at nextengine.com
Tue Jan 8 04:56:06 MSK 2008

Hi there,

We're in the process of switching to nginx (from lighttpd) for some of  
our customer services.

One of our customers is experiencing a "409 Proxy Authentication  
required" when contacting our nginx based web-service (via a desktop  
application using WinInet).  They started seeing the problem at the  
time of our change from lighttpd to nginx, making it likely that the  
issue is related.

Does anyone know if there any special Internet Explorer or client  
proxy related options for nginx?  I search the docs and examples in  
the Wiki, but didn't see anything related to this.  I know that some  
proxy servers, namely Pound, have an option to turn off HTTP 1.1 for  
Internet Explorer.

We had the customer try unchecking "Use HTTP 1.1 with Proxy Server"  
under Advanced options in the Internet Explorer settings.  But this  
did not make a difference, and the same error message still was given.

Any advice is appreciated.


Pete DeLaurentis	
NextEngine, Inc.

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