static web server config improvements

eliott eliott at
Mon Jan 28 21:59:55 MSK 2008

On 1/28/08, rkmr.em at <rkmr.em at> wrote:
> this is my config for a web server that does only static files mostly gifs,
> pngs and jpgs.. is there any improvement i can do in this like is there some
> sort of caching that can be enabled? or any other improvements that can be
> done to this..
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> #user  mark;
> worker_processes  1;
> error_log  logs/error_staticfarm.log;
> pid        logs/;
> events {
>     worker_connections  1024;
>  }
> http {
>     include       mime.types;
>     default_type  application/octet-stream;
>     #access_log  logs/access_staticfarm.log;
>     sendfile        on;
>     #tcp_nopush     on;
>     keepalive_timeout  0;
>      #keepalive_timeout  10;
>     gzip  on;
>     server {
>         listen       6080;
>         server_name  localhost;
>         #access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;
>         location /nginx_status {
>              stub_status on;
>             access_log   off;
>         }
>         location /static{
>             root   /home/mark/staticfarm/;
>             access_log   off;
>         }
>     }
> }

If you have more than one cpu, you could up the worker_processes to
match the number of cpus you have. Depends on the traffic load you are
expecting though.
You may want to bump worker_connections as well.

max_clients = worker_processes * worker_connections

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