Is it possible to have a loop in config?

Eden Li eden at
Thu Jan 31 03:52:30 MSK 2008

afaik, no. but you can easily hack ERB or some other templating system
into your deployment process.

ruby -rerb -e 'puts"nginx.rconf")).result' > nginx.conf

then you could do stuff like:

<% [10, 20, 99].each do |port| %>
  server {
    listen <%= port %>;
<% end %>

mucho ugly, but it makes things shorter :)

On Jan 31, 2008 8:06 AM, Casey Rayman <casey.rayman at> wrote:
> I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy and so I've got several sites which
> use exactly the same config with the exception of the port.  Is there
> a way to do something like....
> array {10,20,99}
> for each i in array {
>         server {
>                 listen $i;
>                 ...
>         }
> }
> Perhaps an odd question, but nginx has all kinds of useful features
> I'd never thought of before.
> Casey

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