simple module question

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at
Fri Jul 11 19:08:15 MSD 2008

Chavelle Vincent ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I just want to make a simple module which get uploaded image to a
> directory with a custom name. All things seem to be good but
> ngx_http_read_client_request_body create local image with the form
> header (filename="test.jpg" Content-Type :application-octet-stream
> etc...). Do you know a simple way to remove it ? I want avoid a new
> reading from disk.

Nginx *does not* decode the request body.

I'm planning to write a function that does the decoding, for use in 
mod_wsgi, but I don't now when I will find the time.

It will not exacly be what you want, but the function can be reused.
If you manage to write such function before me, please let me know (it's 
not an easy task)!

> Thanks

Manlio Perillo

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