Igor - are you ignoring my emails? :)

Cliff Wells cliff at develix.com
Mon Jun 16 06:41:57 MSD 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 12:15 +1000, Dave Cheney wrote:
> Please remember the price you (and your fortune 60 company) paid for  
> nginx and it's ongoing support when considering the correct amount of  
> indignation in your correspondence with this list.

I'm pretty sure I see a smiley at the end of the subject line.  I
personally didn't read much indignation into anything.

Still, it's good to remember that this is a multilingual list and jokes
and sly comments don't always come across as you intended.

> Nobody is _forcing_ you to use nginx.

And nobody forces you to reply if you don't like the tone of a request.


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