Upload module & Upload progress module do not work together

Valery Kholodkov valery+nginxen at grid.net.ru
Sat Nov 8 19:33:54 MSK 2008

Brice Figureau <brice+nginx at daysofwonder.com> wrote:

>> Upload module is known to work with upload progress module. Please see
>> attached example configuration, it is known to work on my friend's
>> server.
>> Feel free to complain anyway.
> I never tried it myself, but one user was reporting that sometimes the
> progress modules reports incorrect results toward the end of the upload.
> I tried to fix it on my side but I didn't had much time to do so.
> Maybe the configuration you gave overcome this issue?
> If it does, then I'll add it to the progress module example as
> reference, if you do agree.

No it doesn't. The problem you described most likely happens because
client request body carrying files contains encapsulation as well as form
fields. This inflates request body up to certain amount.

> Also, I wondered (although I don't really have the development bandwidth
> nowadays), if we could find a way to have the progress module using
> hooks in the upload module to report the right upload progress instead
> of the crude and fragile hack I adopted for the regular nginx.

In fact upload module is a small hack as well.

But you can take a look at (not officially published yet) branch 2.1 of
upload module and see how discarding and unzip modules are implemented:


Although filters in this branch of upload module are not chainable yet, I
plan to implement it. And if you make any filter based on current
implementation in between, it will be very easy to integrate such
additional filter.

Best regards,
Valery Kholodkov

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