Nginx VS Nginx + Varnish

Gen Gennix lists at
Fri Oct 10 00:50:07 MSD 2008


Do you think it's a good idea to add Varnish to Nginx to serve static

I'm running a dedicated server with 2GB RAM and a pentium dual core
E2180 for static files.

I'm only using Nginx 0.6.32 on Centos 5/linux 2.6.24: no database, no
php, no gzip mod...

Nginx sends 60 images/seconde (max 100 images/sec) among 3.200.000 jpeg
images (one image = 5-10kB).

Thanks in advance!

My Nginx file :
user              nginx nginx;
worker_processes  4;

    worker_connections  1024;

   include                mime.types;
   default_type           application/octet-stream;

   access_log             off;

   sendfile               on;
   tcp_nopush             on;
   tcp_nodelay            on;

   client_body_timeout    5;
   client_header_timeout  5;
   keepalive_timeout      5   5;
   send_timeout           5;

   gzip                   off;

         listen       80;

         root         /home/www;

         expires      90d;

         # CSS & Javascript files configuration
         location ~* ^.+.(css|js)$
               gzip_static        on;
               gzip_http_version  1.1;
               gzip_proxied       off;
               gzip_min_length    0;
               gzip_disable       "MSIE [1-6]\.";
               gzip_vary          off;
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