configuration for proxy_pass/upstream combination

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed Jul 15 05:55:03 MSD 2009


On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 05:01:31PM -0700, Mohammad Kolahdouzan wrote:

> I have my own module in which when a request is sent to
> /mymodule, it'll initiate a new
> subrequest to "/a1" and passes a bunch of new arguments to it. As an
> example, a call to "http://localhost/mymodule" will generate a
> subrequest like ""
> I have a config similar to the following to support that :
> server {
>   location /mymodule {
>     my_module;
>   }
>   location /a1 {
>     proxy_pass;
>   }
> }
> Now the issue that I have is when I want to add redundancy. If I change the config file to something similar to the following:
> upstream server1{
>   server;
>   server;
> }
> server {
>   location /mymodule {
>     my_module;
>   }
>   location /a1 {
>     proxy_pass  http://server1;

-     proxy_pass  http://server1;
+     proxy_pass  http://server1/;

See for 

Maxim Dounin

>   }
> }
> then a request to "http://localhost/mymodule" will generate a subrequest like "". I am wondering what it is that I am doing wrong which adds "/a1/" to the subrequest to upstream.
> Thanks,
> -M

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