How to make the Nginx-0.7.54(Windows official release) RUN AS WINDOWS SERVICE?

kernelforce nginx-forum at
Sat May 2 13:34:59 MSD 2009

Recently, I got Nginx-0.7.54(official Windows binary), it is simply to install, I'm very apperciate it.

But in this version, Nginx must be started as

cd c:\nginx
start nginx

My question is how to make it run as a windows service?
Which is important for a server to start the nginx service before any user is loggin on.

I used to achieve it as

cd /d c:\nginx\
instsrv Nginx c:\nginx\srvany.exe

and add follow register information

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


But these above doesn't work in this version. I think the problem may be lie in the difference of starting nginx. But I don't have any more idea, please help me, thx.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,1662,1662#msg-1662

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