Proper usage of proxy_store, proxy_cache_path

Dan Trainor dan.trainor at
Tue Aug 24 03:10:54 MSD 2010

Hello -

I was doing some experimenting and came across proxy_store as part of
Nginx's HTTP Proxy Module  I was able to implement it in my testing
environment, and it operated exactly as I expected it to.  It was nice
to see how it worked.

I've stumbled upon proxy_cache_path, but I don't quite understand
exactly how it works.  I expected it to work in a similar method as to
how proxy_store would work, but maybe with more granular controls on
exactly how the content is stored.

Althogh I've read through HTTP Proxy Module documentation several
times, I'm still lost on a clear knowledge between the two directives,
how they should be used, when and where, and how I can exploit them to
achieve my goal.

If at all possible, can someone please take a moment to help clear
this up for me?


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