Issues with Restfulie using NGinx+Passenger+Ruby on Rails 2.3.8

Rubem Azenha rubem.azenha at
Tue Aug 24 23:44:05 MSD 2010


I have an application using a gem named Restfulie for json ajax request. I`m
using the good and old webrick in my local dev environment and the
applicatiom works just fine.
Restfulie uses content negotiation, the response content-type is based on
the "accept" http header. For example, if my request http header "accept" is
"application/json", the response with be a json document, if it is
"text/html", the response will be a html page, based on a erb template.

 As I said, the app works fine in Webrick, but when I deploy to the
production env, which is Ubuntu 10.04+Nginx+Passenger, it fails. The
application fails to determine that the request is a json request and tries
to return an HTML, even with the contentType and accept as
It looks like a passenger ou nginx problem, but I`m not sure. It looks like
one of them is not passing the "accept" header to the application. Did
anyone had problems like this one? Did anyone use Restfulie with


-- Rubem
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