Nginx + HAProxy, custom 503 Error

jmadtech nginx-forum at
Thu Feb 18 09:24:34 MSK 2010

Hey all,

I'm currently using Nginx & HAProxy with a Rails Application on the backend (using mongrels).

I've configured my Nginx config file with a custom 50x error page:

error_page 500 502 503 /500.html;
location = /500.html {

If I shut my mongrels off and try to access the page, I get the default 503 error page that comes with Nginx, not my custom 500.html page.  Turning on my mongrels and turning off the database generates a 500 error and I get the default 500 error page as well.

However, I also have a similar declaration for a 504 timeout or a 404 page not found error and they work just fine.

error_page 504 /504.html;
location = /504.html {

error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /404.html {

I verified that the 500.html file exists and has the proper permissions.  Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance

Posted at Nginx Forum:,55364,55364#msg-55364

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