PHP-FPM and concurrency

Reinis Rozitis r at
Thu Jan 28 16:21:50 MSK 2010

Static files are most likely served instantly rather than keeping a connection hanging for a minute (to check something different 
than php you can try a perl script with just sleep(60); in it).
You can also look if nginx gets the second request (if not then its still the browser problem and not webserver) just by checking 
the access and errorlog (in case there is some fastcgi backend timeout).

Of course it might be a problem with php/fpm config. How many php childs do you spawn? Could it be possible that all childs are 
taken at the moment for processing your ~1min scripts?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kiril Angov" <kupokomapa at>
To: <nginx at>
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: PHP-FPM and concurrency

> Hello,
> thanks but for the reason of browser configuration, I checked to see if I can open other resources from the same domain from the 
> same browser and it work for static files. Also, browser limits would be per tab or at least 6 requests per second, not really 6 
> concurrent connections.
> Any other suggestions?
> On Jan 28, 2010, at 12:08 PM, Reinis Rozitis wrote:
>> It is probably more related to how many connections at max a single browser instance keeps open to a single hostname.
>> For Firefox for example usually the default value is only 2. ( can search google for network.http.max-connections-per-server )
>> IE has 6 at least (but seems you are not using that).
>> Increase those and see if it helps.
>> rr

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