Force cache refresh

Ole Laursen olau at
Fri Jun 18 17:22:25 MSD 2010

> Igor Sysoev <igor at ...> writes:
> > You may bypass cache using "Some-Secret-Header: 1" in a request and
> > setting:
> >     proxy_no_cache  $http_some_secret_header;
> > The response may be cached.

Hm, I think I might have been too hasty there. I can't get it to
work with 0.7.67.

If I send a request with a special header that goes to proxy_no_cache,
then it always goes to the back-end as expected. But the response
isn't cached, at least if I send the same request without the
header, I get a back-end hit.

Configuration looks like this:

        location / {
                proxy_cache defaultzone;
                proxy_cache_valid  200 302 30s;
                proxy_cache_key "$request_uri";
                proxy_no_cache $http_x_refresh_cache;

The cache is otherwise working fine, with two plain requests in a
row I only see the first one hit the back-end (I think this is what
fooled me first time).

Is this a bug?


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