proxy_cache_purge for nginx/0.8.34

skynet nginx-forum at
Mon Mar 15 07:38:00 MSK 2010 - - [15/Mar/2010:00:35:29 -0400]  "GET /purge/ HTTP/1.0" 404 1656 "-" "Wget/1.11.4 Red Hat modified" upstream_response_time - msec 1268627729.628 request_time 0.000 Expires: - Cache-Control: - upstream_cache_status -

Question: what am I supposed to see/get after a successful purge? 

Thanks for all your help Piotr but I don't want to waste your time indefinitely.
All I need is to see the activity log for proxy_cache_purge, and we can go from there.

Thank you.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,61318,63894#msg-63894

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