GEOIP context problem

syle nginx-forum at
Wed Sep 1 06:43:38 MSD 2010


I will just do following for now, so maybe overwriting fastcgi_params
might not be such a bad thing on freebsd since we will always get
a new copy of anything that changes automatically, i've just thrown the
geoip values in another include as follows:

    location ~ \.php$ {
        fastcgi_pass  unix:/tmp/cgi2.sock;
        fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME
        include        fastcgi_params;
        include        fastcgi_params_geoip;
    location ~ \.pl$ {
        fastcgi_pass  unix:/tmp/cgi.sock;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME
        include        fastcgi_params;
        include        fastcgi_params_geoip;

Posted at Nginx Forum:,125449,125883#msg-125883

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