nginx Reverse Proxy - HTTP[S] support?

jlangevin nginx-forum at
Tue Sep 7 09:11:22 MSD 2010

I've successfully configured Nginx on an Ubuntu 10.04 box, serving up a
dynamic PHP website.
We need to be able to reverse proxy this website, which I've also been
able to do, as:

www frontend (nginx reverse proxy)
www1 backend (nginx php webserver)

The intention is to be able to add/remove backend servers at will.

The only issue I have so far, is that the frontend, as configured, does
not proxy SSL requests.
How can I enable this on my configuration?
Please note, the backend server *does* have functioning SSL config, and
was tested directly to verify both :80 and :443 work as intended.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,127852,127852#msg-127852

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