[ANNOUNCE] nginx-perl

Alexandr Gomoliako zzz at zzz.org.ua
Thu Dec 22 19:33:17 UTC 2011

Hello, everyone.

I'm happy to announce the first release of nginx-perl,


Nginx-perl provides asynchronous functions for original
embedded perl to resolve domain names, connect to external
hosts, exchange data and most importantly respond to HTTP
clients. Code sample can be found on the web page above.

   - full official nginx perl API
   - asynchronous connections (ngx_connector, ngx_reader, ngx_writer)
   - timer (ngx_timer)
   - SSL (ngx_ssl_handshaker)
   - resolver (ngx_resolver)
   - access handlers (perl_access)
   - app handlers (perl_app)
   - configuration level eval (perl_eval)
   - init_worker, exit_worker handlers (perl_init_worker, perl_exit_worker)
   - logging functions (ngx_log_*)
   - client connection takeover for websockets, etc.

In many ways it is an actual asynchronous framework.

You can install it from sources manually with your favorite
nginx addons:

    % perl Makefile.PL --with-http_ssl_module
    % make
    % make test
    % make install
      # or to try without installation
    % ./objs/nginx-perl -p eg/helloworld

Or from CPAN:

    % cpan Nginx::Perl

Documentation is far from perfect, but should be enough for
people already familiar with embedded perl.

If you have a question, add an issue on github.


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