Custom settings with PHP

locojohn nginx-forum at
Wed Jul 13 05:47:10 MSD 2011

Maxim Dounin Wrote:

>     geo $x {
>         default
> "${include_path}:/my/other/include/path";
>     }
>     fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE $x;
> which relies on the fact that geo module doesn't
> support variables.
> No idea how php will handle this though, probably
> Antonio is right 
> and this won't work anyway.

It works, just tested it with php-fpm.   php-fpm substitutes ${var} with
the value for "var" in the master .ini file (php.ini).  So constructs
like "${include_path}:/my/other/path" are OK to pass to the php-fpm
environment, and these will be interpreted correctly.  The only trouble
is that the "geo" hack is kinda dirty indeed, especially so that all
these variables have to be explicitly declared then in the http section,
as the "geo" directive must be declared on the "http" level. 

Antonio, I am certainly aware that one can write an auto_prepend_file
PHP script that will set all these variables correctly, but I prefer to
use server settings and skip auto_prepend_file overhead, if possible. 
Turns out it is possible on the php-fpm level, and not currently on the
nginx level.  Also, implementation of your suggestion means either
changing the source code of the scripts on a number of sites and making
it difficult to maintain/upgrade, or, as stated above, having
auto_prepend_file overhead for every php call.  No good and IMHO
absolutely unnecessary and also pretty ugly, compared to what is
possible with just passing the right string to the environment.

Let's wait for the nginx update! 


Posted at Nginx Forum:,22556,212308#msg-212308

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