Rewrite help when files do NOT have a ".php" extension

António P. P. Almeida appa at
Wed Jun 1 18:53:53 MSD 2011

On 1 Jun 2011 15h32 WEST, nginx-forum at wrote:

> António P. P. Almeida Wrote:
>> This won't work unless you have defined the name
>> of the script that is
>> to be executed by the upstream fastcgi process.
>> What is the name of the script that receives the u
>> argument? get.php? index.php?
> Oh I see. I had totally misunderstood how this works. 
> The name of the script is "/site/get". Without the .php extension. 
> And the uri should be passed as "?u=" and in some case there will be
> a second variable "&sb=". The rewrite rules will work this way:
> #--------------
> location / {
> rewrite   ^/([-~a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)(.+)$    /site/get?u=$1&sb=$2; 
> rewrite   ^/([-~a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)$        /site/get?u=$1; 
> }
> #--------------
> So basically I can do the upstream bit this way? 
> #--------------
> include         fastcgi_params;
> fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME   $document_root$/site/get;
> fastcgi_param   PATH_TRANSLATED   $document_root$/site/get;
> #--------------

Then use an exact location: 

location = /site/get {
  include fastcgi_params; 
  # Where's the fastcgi_pass directive?    
  fastcgi_pass unix:/path/to/socket.sock;  
  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME  $fastcgi_script_filename;

I suggest you either use the echo module by agentzh or enable the
error log with the debug flag to see what's going on.

--- appa

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