hello maybe someone can help with simple rewrites

Arvydas arvydas at artogama.lt
Thu Jun 16 15:01:28 MSD 2011


I have difficulty converting these rewrite rules of apache into nginx. Could someone please provide a helping hand. 

RewriteRule     ^(.*)$                                  %{SERVER_NAME}$1                                [C]

RewriteCond     %{SERVER_NAME}                          ^(.*)\.example\.com$
RewriteRule     ^([a-z0-9-]+)\.example\.com/(.*)$         /home/www/$1/$2                       [L]

so if i go to test.example.com it should redirect me to /home/www/test/index.php|html

but in nginx somehow I get 2011/06/16 05:31:15 [error] 28649#0: *1 open() "/home/www///

it somehow does not recognize variables.

      server_name  ~^(.*)$;

       if ( $host ~ ^(.*)\.example\.com$ ) {
      rewrite ^([a-z0-9-]+)\.example\.com/(.*)$              /home/www/$1/$2 last;

root /home/www/$1/$2

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