Can I log HTTP 400s to a different log file instead of my default access logs

imran nginx-forum at
Mon Nov 7 11:21:05 UTC 2011


I'd like to know if its possible for me to log HTTP 400 errors to a
different log file. Right now they go in the access log. 

To give some background, we've got this problem where if a single
resource is requested from chrome, after the resource request is served,
a http 400 error is logged in the access logs. This I've understood to
be is due to the nature of connections opened by Chrome (2 for every
request) and one of the connections not been used before its closed. And
nginx reports a 400 in this instance. I've gathered this based on a
different forum entry. And when this 400 is logged, the
$request_filename is /etc/nginx//html

So I'm looking at any possibility where the 400s can be logged else
where. I tried the following with no luck as well;

server {
  location / {
      if ($request_filename ~* /etc/nginx) {
         access_log /someotherlog.log myformat

Any help/advice is much appreciated. Thanks!!

-- Imran

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