nginx 1.2.0 is slower than 1.1.12?

Valentin V. Bartenev ne at
Thu Apr 26 10:35:36 UTC 2012

On Thursday 26 April 2012 13:50:40 Delta Yeh wrote:
> Hi,
>    I did a simple load test  for 1.2 and found that 1.2 is slower than
> 1.1.12 ?
>   client---nginx(1.2/.1.12)----nginx(1.1.12)
>    The tested nginx worked as a reverse proxy before another nginx box
>  which serve static file,  upstream keepalive is not enbaled.
>     Same test suite , the only difference is the version of nginx.
> 1.2.0 is about 30% slower .

Can you provide more details about how you tested it and what test suite you 

Personally, I found that some test suites are actually can perform slower than 
nginx and produce incorrect results (e.g. disable logging decrease RPS).

 wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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