Unable log out of some applications.

Max nginxyz at mail.ru
Thu Feb 9 17:40:23 UTC 2012

09 февраля 2012, 20:29 от "keef" <nginx-forum at nginx.us>:
> Thanks for the Info Max. We're stuck with a nginx v0.8..x.x that doesn't
> includes the"proxy_cache_bypass" directive so are not able to test your
> solution justnow. I have a workaround just now and will try the
> directive again once we upgrade nginx.

You're welcome. You can try the following workaround in the meantime:

location / {
    recursive_error_pages on;
    error_page 409 = @no_cache;

    if ($http_authorization) { return 409; }

    proxy_cache zone;
    proxy_pass $scheme://backend;

location @no_cache {
    proxy_pass $scheme://backend;


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