[ANN] ngx_lua module v0.4.0 released!

agentzh agentzh at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 15:11:05 UTC 2012

Hi, folks!

After four months' active development of our contributors, I'm happy
to announce the v0.4.0 release of our ngx_lua module. You can get the
release tarball from the download page:


There's many many new features and bug fixes that you can find out in
the following complete change log for this release (it is just too
long to put here :P):


Special thanks go to all of our contributors and users!

This module embeds the Lua 5.1 interpreter or LuaJIT 2.0 into the
nginx core and integrates the powerful Lua threads (aka Lua
coroutines) into the nginx event model by means of nginx subrequests.

Unlike Apache's mod_lua and Lighttpd's mod_magnet, Lua code written
atop this module can be 100% non-blocking on network traffic as long
as you use the ngx.location.capture or ngx.location.capture_multi
interfaces to let the Nginx core do all your requests to mysql,
postgresql, memcached, redis, upstream http web services, and etc etc

This module is also included and enabled by default in our
ngx_openresty bundle: http://openresty.org/

You can find the complete documentation for this module on the
following wiki page:


And you always get the latest source code from the git repository here:


Have fun!

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