Custom configuration

Francis Daly francis at
Fri Mar 30 08:36:20 UTC 2012

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 07:08:37AM +0200, Adnan RIHAN wrote:

Hi there,

> What can I do T_T ?


Look in your config file. Be aware of "include" directives. Look in
every server{} block. Look at "listen" and "server_name" directives in
each server{} block.

Identify which one server{} block is being used to handle this request.

Post the config for that server{}.

(If you can additionally identify which one location{} block within
that server{} block is being used for this request, then you could
limit what you post to: the server{} block outside of all location{}s,
plus the content of that one location{}. But that's probably more work
than is necessary.)

If you can enable the debug log (will probably require rebuilding
nginx), then you will see lots of information about what nginx thinks
is happening.

But posting the relevant part of the config file is the best way to make
it easy for people help you.

Francis Daly        francis at

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