Dynamic upstream configuration

mamoos1 nginx-forum at nginx.us
Wed Apr 17 08:42:10 UTC 2013


I have an nginx configured as a reverse proxy using proxy_pass.
This is a dynamic reverse proxy, it fetches content for users in accordance
to the HOST header in the requests.
The problem I encountered is that the backends are normally SSL, and every
request that goes has to re-handshake (since there is no keep-alive between
nginx and the backend servers).
I know that I can configure keep-alive with upstream - but that requires me
to know upfront which servers will be used (which I don't, since I
dynamically fetch content according to headers).
Is there a way to configure that the proxy will keep-alive connections with
backend servers dynamically, or for some time?


Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,238424,238424#msg-238424

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