Creating One-way connections or Dont wait for upstream

Reinis Rozitis r at
Fri Aug 16 12:17:03 UTC 2013

> The client side of the application does not care about the response from 
> nginx. It would be acceptable to send a blank
response or send no database at all and simple just close the connection. 
After or as the connection is closed I would like the data to work internal 
within nginx as normal selecting an upstream proxying it, if the upstream 
timeouts or has an error still be able to use nginx_next_upstream.

> What would a configuration like this look like ?

If you can (force) close the connection from client side then you can try 
proxy_ignore_client_abort setting ( 
 ) - which will make nginx to complete the request to upstream.

The other approach (more options to "program" nginx) approach could be to 
use something like Echo module ( ) from


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