Converting Apache configs to nginx, why is a NameVirtualHost workalike is a bad thing?

Darren Pilgrim list_nginx at
Tue Feb 12 02:18:02 UTC 2013

I'm switching some servers from Apache 2.2.x to nginx 1.2.6.  In Apache, 
I use NameVirtualHost.  I also use Rewrite directives to manage www. 
prefixing via a 301 redirect.  All the user has to is create 
/wwwroot/$hostname, upload the site files, and point DNS at my server. 
On my end, all I have to do is create the Apache config once as part of 
the new-user setup.

When I converted that to nginx, this is what I came up with:

root /www/user/wwwroot/$http_host;

For the user who wants to drop the www.:

if ($http_host ~ ^www\.(.+)$) {
	return 301 http://$1$request_uri;

For the user who wants to always have the www.:

if ($http_host !~ ^www\.) {
	return 301 http://www.$http_host$request_uri;

Which, in testing, works a treat.  Various articles say this style of 
configuration is bad.  Instead I should:

1. have per-domain server blocks;
2. have a server block for that redirects to or vice versa.

In other words, for the user who has 37 domains, I'll need 74 server 
blocks in their nginx config.  That's a significant regression in terms 
of workload and simplicity.

If it's bad, ok, I won't do that; however, I can't seem to find an 
explaination *why* it's bad.  Would someone please clarify that point?

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