Why does nginx sometimes send Connection: close to Connection: keep-alive requests?

anonymous-one nginx-forum at nginx.us
Mon Jan 7 01:03:05 UTC 2013

This may be a bit difficult to explain but I will try my best:

We have the following setup:

[ BOX 1 : NGINX Frontend ] ---reverse-proxy---> [ BOX 2: NGINX Backend --->

Upstream keepalives are enabled on BOX 1 as follows:

upstream backend{
        keepalive       512;

Keepalives are enabled on BOX 2 as follows:

        keepalive_timeout       86400s;
        keepalive_requests      10485760;

Yes, really high values... BOX 2 never sees any external traffic. Its all
coming just from the front end (BOX1).

We have noticed, sometimes BOX 2 will return a Connection: close header, and
leave the connection in TIME_WAIT state EVEN THO the request came with a
Connection: keep-alive header. This is correct behavior if BOX 2 wanted to
close the connection... But why would it want to?

We have sniffed this info via netstat AND ngrep.

We are 100% sure BOX 2 sometimes sends back a Connection: close header, and
the connection is left in a TIME_WAIT state. When we run the ngrep utility
and watch netstat -na | grep TIME_WAIT | grep BOX1IP | etc etc etc... As
soon as a connection:close is sent, the count of TIME_WAIT sockets

So to summarize:

In what situations would nginx dispatch a Connection: close to a client who
makes a request with Connection: keep-alive.

Worth nothing:

Generally, the upstream keep alives work... There is a high number of reqs /
sec happening. These connection: close events happen rarely, but frequently
enough to warrant this lengthy post ;)


Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,234746,234746#msg-234746

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