"bug in glibc"

Justin Cormack justin at specialbusservice.com
Sun Mar 31 10:33:51 UTC 2013

There is a note in src/os/unix/ngx_user.c about a bug in glibc for crypt_r:

    /* work around the glibc bug */
    cd.current_salt[0] = ~salt[0];

    value = crypt_r((char *) key, (char *) salt, &cd);

I was wondering if anyone knew what the bug was, as I am running on a
platform (Musl libc) that has got NGX_HAVE_GNU_CRYPT_R but has a different
implementation, in particular has no current_salt field in struct
crypt_data (and indeed the man page says you should treat it as opaque
except for the initialized field).

I was wondering exactly what the bug was as then I could write a test for
it rather than always including this code; I have not been able to find it
in the glibc bug tracker though.


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