Path components interpretation by nginx.

Steve Holdoway steve at
Wed Feb 12 01:43:51 UTC 2014

3.3 Path...

End of para 1.

"The path is terminated by the first question mark ("?") or number sign
("#") character, or by the end of the URI."

although I think most web servers add & to ?.


On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 02:07 +0100, António P. P. Almeida wrote:
> Hello,
> While doing an audit for a client I came across an URL of the from:
> http://host/foobar;arg=quux?q=en/somewhere&a=1&b=2
> Now doing something like:
> location /test-args {
>     return 200 "u: $uri\nq: $query_string\na: $args\n";
>  }
> This returns as the value of $uri the string foobar;arg=quux, i.e.,
> the first parameter arg=quux is not being interpreted as an argument
> but as part of the URI.
> This is confirmed by changing the location to be exact using
> = /test-args in which case nginx cannot find a configuration for
> handling the request.
> Now if I understand correctly section 3.3 of the
>            The path may consist of a sequence of path segments
>         separated by a
>            single slash "/" character.  Within a path segment, the
>         characters
>            "/", ";", "=", and "?" are reserved.  Each path segment may
>         include a
>            sequence of parameters, indicated by the semicolon ";"
>         character.
>            The parameters are not significant to the parsing of
>         relative
>            references.
> Which means that the above URL is perfectly legal with arg being
> considered a parameter.
> Shouldn't nginx interpret arg=quux as an argument and not part of the
> URI  in order to fully support the RFC in question?
> Thank you,
> ----appa
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Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP
Skype: sholdowa

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