Email Reverse Proxy issue

omercz nginx-forum at
Sun Jun 1 10:30:49 UTC 2014

I am using Nginx as an Email reverse proxy.
The email client sends a request to the nginx, the nginx fetch the WHOLE
email(message) from exchange server, and only then manipulates it and sends
it back to client.

Email Client<---->Nginx<----> Office 365

Everything is working great, besides the following problem, the Email client
has a timeout of 30 seconds,
but sometimes it can take the Nginx to download the whole email more the
30sec (if it has a big attachment).

My question is as follow:
In the meantime can the nginx send 'something' to the client to keep him
aware that something is being downloaded ? 
Right now I have an ugly patch that sends on the open socket 'blanks' to the
client every 20 seconds, until the nginx can send him the whole file.


Posted at Nginx Forum:,250534,250534#msg-250534

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