Can response code be 444 in error_page

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed Nov 5 16:06:53 UTC 2014


On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 09:00:30AM -0500, bluekyu wrote:


> I translated and read the report. I understood the bug is related with only
> error_page 400.
> If this is correct, my example may be inappropriate.
> My question was whether the response code of error_page can be 444, or not.
> (In the document, only standard HTTP codes are described.)
> For another example, I want to reject inappropriate accesses such as 497
> error.
> error_page 497 =444 @reject_conn;
> location @reject_conn {
> return 444;
> }
> I expected that the connection is reset when error 497 occurs, but it was
> waiting.

As 497 is just a special case of 400 (and it is actually changed 
to 400 during handling), I suspect it's affected by the same bug.

Maxim Dounin

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