[ANN] Windows nginx Lizard

itpp2012 nginx-forum at nginx.us
Fri Jun 12 18:31:22 UTC 2015

19:19 12-6-2015 nginx Lizard

Based on nginx 1.9.2 (9-6-2015) with;
+ Openssl-1.0.1o (upgraded 12-6-2015)
+ Naxsi WAF v0.53-3 (upgraded 12-6-2015)
+ Openssl-1.0.1n (CVE-2015-4000, CVE-2015-1788, CVE-2015-1789,
  CVE-2015-1790, CVE-2015-1792, CVE-2015-1791)
+ pcre-8.37b-r1566 (upgraded 10-6-2015, overflow fixes)
+ nginx-module-vts (fix for 32bit overflow counters including totals)
+ nginx-auth-ldap (upgraded 9-6-2015)
+ nginx-module-vts, fixes for 1.9.1 (upgraded 19-5-2015)
+ LuaJIT-2.0.4 (upgraded 18-5-2015) Tnx to Mike Pall for his hard work!
+ lua51.dll (upgraded 18-5-2015) DO NOT FORGET TO REPLACE THIS FILE !
+ Source changes back ported
+ Source changes add-on's back ported
+ Changes for nginx_basic: Source changes back ported
* Scheduled release: yes
* Additional specifications: see 'Feature list'

Builds can be found here:
Follow releases https://twitter.com/nginx4Windows

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,259589,259589#msg-259589

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