How do I rewrite files, but only, if they are in one special folder?

Joergi nginx-forum at
Sun Dec 11 17:05:19 UTC 2016

Hi guys,

I am new to nginx and I need to do a few rewrites, which I need help with.

I currently have this configuration:

location ~ \.php5 {
    root /home/$username/www/;
    rewrite ^/(.*)\.php5 /$1.php permanent;

The problem with this is that it rewrites the files, also if they are in
subfolders - and this is what I do not want.

I have a root folder and inside it there is a folder called wiki/.

php5 files from inside one of these two folders should get rewritten to php

E.g. the file /api.php5 should get rewritten to /api.php.
File /wiki/load.php5 should get rewritten to /wiki/load.php.
But file /wiki/some-subfolder/file.php5 should *not* get rewritten, because
it is neither in the root folder nor in wiki/ directly, but in one of the
subfolders of wiki. Files from subfolders should *not* get rewritten.

How can I get that?


Posted at Nginx Forum:,271450,271450#msg-271450

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