cache worker stops evicting assets

miracle.max nginx-forum at
Thu Dec 15 09:38:18 UTC 2016

Hello there! we currently have this issue when we restart nginx, the cache
zone disk consume rise constantly until we reach the 84h after the restart,
here nginx locks and start deleting, after 15-30m everything starts working
as usual and the cache worker behaves as expected until we do another

Our current configuration is

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx/assets levels=2:2 keys_zone=assets:512m
                 inactive=84h max_size=81920m use_temp_path=off
                 loader_files=1000 loader_sleep=50ms

We currently have ˜2 million object consuming ˜40G.
Could be that cache loader worker cant keep up with all those objects after
the restart?


Posted at Nginx Forum:,271544,271544#msg-271544

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