OCSP stapling

Alex Samad alex at samad.com.au
Tue Nov 8 23:20:33 UTC 2016

Just when through this.  your nginx server makes a requets to the OCSP url
for information.

My nginx servers can't make requests to the internet so I had to use the
offline method

2016-11-08 22:36 GMT+11:00 Christian Cioni <christian.cioni at staff.aruba.it>:

> Hi,
> on my server have activated a SSL in SNI configuration without problems,
> but for the OCSP stapling configurations, receive always “no response sent“
> On my configuration have add:
> ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/CA.pem;
> ssl_stapling on;
> ssl_stapling_verify on;
> What can I check?
> --
> Saluti
> ================================
> Christian Cioni
> Technical Department
> Aruba.it http://www.aruba.it
> N° diretto: 0575/1939143
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> N° fax: 0575/862300
> MailTo: christian.cioni at staff.aruba.it
> ================================
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